
Today I Tasted | The Big Swindle Of Forex

Today I had a peculiar satisfaction that I expect will be the first of a long series.


As you may have seen here on the blog, I started to follow the case through some contacts I have taken in recent weeks, plus I had the honor of spending a day at the flanking and in-Training with Max, Andrea e avv Andrea.


That day gave me ideas and suggestions definitely more elements but also provided me with greater safety and ability to push me to move beyond mere reporting.


So I am following two / three situations, one of which I found through an auction securities here in my area.

This is a grocery shop, say pasta and rotisserie, very close to where I live, among other.



I noticed this auction site in the site dell'IVG securities and to make yet another experiment, I decided not to go in the morning of the auction directly but the next morning at a time that I considered just, immediately behind the opening when it is still too early to go buy food to go so I do not expect to find customers. I took this small risk because I had noticed that the day before the auction the exercise was still open and I had hoped to find it opened the next day being the first spell.


So I go and I stand at the door, one for unloading goods to be clear and I find a man of middle age. I say with the proper methods that I have seen the announcement dell'IVG, The hint of what I am and after a while 'to chat with great suspicion, but great, but great great suspicion tells me that in fact there is a problem, there is still some 'time before the goods go to award, I still say he is not the owner, Then, hurrying, she's leaving but he can talk, we arrange for them to meet again after a few days 14, will not let me phone numbers and do not want my, I barely say his first name and we say goodbye.



The appointed day, I introduce myself as punctual as a Swiss watch and he is speaking, I will open a girl who stays with us but he is already.


Do not tell this meeting, if the first was suspicious this time the almost impenetrable but you see that he wants to trust, needs this service, but is afraid. In short, this meeting takes 20/30 minutes during which we talk, I explain better than I, I explain better but he still remains vague, he is not the owner but it helps the management of etc. etc.. However, established a sufficient confidence I point all the data I need to analyze the situation, not all of them and remain available to update us after two days, that is today.


I return now to the appointment and again I open the girl but this time they remain with us and I explain in detail how things are. In fact, the owner is the mother of the girl working there and even if the girl is in fact a member with his mother in a partnership (madness, I think).



So I give all the details, I sign everything I need and I explained to him also know that miracles do not and can not guarantee him anything, but the nice thing is that today the meeting has taken a different turn. The girl is much more open and much less suspicious of him, we are peers and we are now well, then I know of view, I'm a customer.


So after that I repeat to her briefly what I take care trusts, I explained, I tell all, also details that are not essential but wants to confide, where is another interested to hear his whole story.. that the activity is fine except there are these old debts that are strangling each month, that they put on his car impounded and those Equitalia rateizzano with a rate that even the loan sharks etc etc etc.


I said that today I have tasted.

One, A meeting has been very rewarding.

I left them having grown up in much less than half an hour.

I left with a middle-aged man much more open than before and with a good girl who has been willing to talk to me about the passion he has for this activity and the problems that keep it going in. If I smile as his client had always smiled at me twice today.


It is in fact now I savor the taste, taste can be very helpful to a person in a difficult time, to make her smile and maybe this taste to transform into a business.

Giampaolo Monti

"The Big Swindle of Forex"
Creating Wealth for Generations

(Read also the post of…)

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